Some very common statements I hear as an orthodontist from patients are "my wisdom teeth got removed and cause my teeth to shift" or "When my wisdom teeth came in my teeth started to shift". While it is a commonly held belief that the wisdom teeth are related to crowding, they are not related. The thought that wisdom teeth cause crowding or make your teeth crooked is somewhat of an old wives tale and is not true. So why do teeth because crowded after braces or Invisalign?

Teeth become crooked after orthodontic treatment for a few reasons. The main reason is lack of retainer wear. Research has shown that orthodontic retainers are the only way to keep the teeth in their new position after treatment and keep tooth movement to a minimum. Without retainers, the teeth will begin to shift and become crooked. Just like anything else in the body, teeth change over time, and maintenance is necessary. Keeping the teeth straight after braces requires wearing retainers for as long as you want them to stay straight.
Another factor that over time can lead to shifting of teeth is what is known as late mandibular growth. Put simply, there is a very small amount of lower jaw growth that happens in the late teens and twenties that puts a slight force on the lower teeth pushing them forward and upward very slightly into the back of the top teeth. Over time, this extra force or pressure can cause crowding of previously straight teeth.
Research at the University of Iowa showed that wisdom teeth can not exert pressure on the front teeth to cause them to become crooked. The way this was discovered was by using sensors that compared the pressure with wisdom teeth and without wisdom teeth. What they found was that there was no difference. Research also compared the amounts of crowding in children after braces with and without their wisdom teeth. There was no difference in the amounts of crowding, suggesting that wisdom teeth do not play any factor in crowding, or shifting of the teeth after orthodontics.
While everything in the body changes over the course of time, when it comes to maintaining the position of the teeth, the most important thing is to continue wearing your retainers for as long as you want the teeth to remain straight. The wisdom teeth do not play a role in cause the teeth to shift.